tranche|tranches in English


piece, slice

Use "tranche|tranches" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "tranche|tranches" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "tranche|tranches", or refer to the context using the word "tranche|tranches" in the English Dictionary.

1. Not until first tranche holders were entirely paid off did second tranche investors receive any prepayments.

2. Bidis, 7e tranche Cocody- Angre

3. Investors in each tranche received interest payments.

4. We are proceeding with the next tranche of patent claims.

5. The retail tranche was nearly 48 times covered.

6. They risk losing the next tranche of funding.

7. UNCTAD managed to access $0.9 million under the additional eighth tranche.

8. A synthetic CDO tranche may be either funded or unfunded.

9. We want to do $ 15 million in swaps on the AA tranche.

10. You can buy as much AA tranche as you want.

11. The final accounts for the final tranches of the other OPs are still outstanding.

12. We're interested in shorting some of the AA tranche of CDOs.

13. The next tranche of managers consists of assistant general managers and board directors.

14. The tranche was never actually sold – a point made explicit in the final offering document.

15. (f)a target minimum individual allotment if any within the retail tranche;

16. The Commission staff proposed, ad referendum, a second tranche of EUR42 million.

17. Dubai is preparing to raise a second $ 10 billion tranche from the central bank.

18. The government's plans to sell off state companies in several easily digestible tranches should also help.

19. Cash assets do not have to be purchased and managed, and the CDO's tranches can be precisely structured.

20. We hope to get another tranche of that once the Supplementaries in the current budget are finalized.

21. Projects AC-AN were allotted from $4 million from a residual balance from tranches one to four.

22. Investors have different motivations for purchasing CDO securities depending on which tranche they select.

23. Investors in the first tranche, or slice are first in line to be paid off.

24. Technically, the EFSF monoline insurer would provide a first-loss tranche insurance for government bonds up to an agreed percentage.

25. The first tranche of shares in 1987 sold at £000, and the most recent at a thumping £000.